# Order model

The Order model represents a customer's completed order.

A Order model is created as soon as the customer hits the checkout button. The order is persisted even if the payment fails. This enables a customer to retry the payment at any time.

# Payment ID for offline payments

If you offer offline payments you might want to have a unique payment ID to identify any incoming payments. This can be done using the payment_hash attribute on the Order model.

echo $order->id;
=> 17
echo $order->payment_hash;
=> "ng4gNkm5"

The payment_hash is presented to the shop admin on the orders backend page.

# Display offline payment info in checkout mails

Any payment instructions are by default rendered in the confirmation mails via the payment_state mail partial.

See Payment methods for further information on how to use payment instructions.

# Access pricing information

You can access the following price relationships on the Order model. Refer to the pricing information page for more information on how to use these.

Relation Description
totalPreTaxes Grand total before taxes
totalTaxes Grand total taxes
totalPostTaxes Grand total after taxes
totalProductPreTaxes Product total before taxes
totalProductTaxes Product total taxes
totalProductPostTaxes Product total after taxes
totalShippingPreTaxes Shipping cost before taxes
totalShippingTaxes Shipping cost taxes
totalShippingPostTaxes Shipping cost after taxes
totalPaymentPreTaxes Payment provider cost before taxes
totalPaymentTaxes Payment provider cost taxes
totalPaymentPostTaxes Payment provider cost after taxes

# Download PDF invoice

To download a PDF invoice for an Order, use the getPDFInvoice method to get a Barryvdh\DomPDF\PDF instance.

Beware that only orders that have a payment method with a valid pdf_partial assigned will support this feature.

$pdf = $order->getPDFInvoice();

$pdf->save('/path/invoice.pdf'); // Save to disk
$pdf->stream();                  // Return download response
$pdf->output();                  // Return string representation